Meet Our Team

Shanan Campanaro
Founder / Creative Director
What trip changed your life?
My first trip to Thailand in 1996. It gave me my unquenchable travel bug and the desire to understand other cultures and see remote parts of the Earth.

Nick Chacona
What trip changed your life?
My first trip to Indonesia in 2009. It was my first time traveling to an Asian-Pacific country and it just felt like the world opened up in a different way, with so many new sights, smells, sounds, and flavors. It was wondrous and stoked my curiosity to travel to new places.

Melodie Allegre
Production & Development
Where is the most beautiful sunset you've seen?
I’ve seen a lot of beautiful sunsets, but I think the most magical ones have been in the water at Ditch Beach in Montauk — the light does something incredibly special there.

Shaloy Bryan
Production Associate
Where is the most beautiful sunset you've seen?
I would say the one during our company retreat last year during a sunset cruise. Not only were the colors striking and vibrant as they shifted from warm reds to cool pinks and purples, but the energy, lulling waves, and cooling breeze made the experience even more beautiful.

Daniese Kennedy
Sample Assistant
Where is the most beautiful sunset you've seen?
It has to be the last time I was in Jamaica, I was around 9 or 10 years old, and we were on the beach in Ocho Rios from morning to night, when the sun went down. The way the sky reflected off the water was breathtaking.